Jesus Came to Fulfill the Law of the Prophets

Jesus Came to Fulfill the Law of the Prophets in the Old Testament Matthew 5:17 presents a chief purpose of Jesus's earthly ministry: to fulfill the law and the prophets. Jesus came to accomplish all that the Old Testament foretold and to complete all the righteousness the Old Testament required. Jesus Internalized the Laws of the OT Jesus kept the entire 613 laws of the Old Testament when He was a man on Earth. When He died this knowledge of the OT was inside of Him, he had internalized it, so when a Christian follows Jesus and is "in Jesus" that Christian also will have the laws of the Old Testament internalized at that time. Both the Old Testament Laws and the New Testament Laws Matter It is impossible for a human being to internalize or live by all 613 laws of the Old Testament and that is why Jesus Christ did this for His Followers. Jesus' blood is as pure as the blood of an innocent animal but much more powerful of course. What the Old Testament was saying is ...