Genesis: Eve and the Serpent

I Have Seen this Film Several Times
I have watched this video and it becomes clear that the serpent infected Eve with "his seed, "the bad seed." This bad seed can be viewed as the narcissists of the world today. This is how the Christian website Got Questions explains it, "As part of the curse, enmity—mutual hatred and ill will—will exist between the woman and the serpent. Later, the same enmity will continue between the woman’s seed or offspring (mankind in general, since Eve is the “mother of all living,” Genesis 3:20) and the serpent’s seed. Their offspring will remain enemies throughout all generations. 

The serpent’s (metaphorical) offspring are demonic forces and also those people who follow the devil and accomplish his will. Jesus called the Pharisees a “brood of vipers” in Matthew 12:34 and said they belonged to their “father, the devil” in John 8:44. In short, God says that Satan will always be the enemy of mankind. It follows that people who side with Satan will be at perpetual war with God’s elect and that we are engaged in a very real battle between good and evil (Ephesians 6:12)."

You Can Learn the Truth from Genesis
I am posting the video and let everyone see what "The Bible Study Channel" on YouTube has to say about what happened between the viper (Satan) and Eve. The video goes step-by-step in explaining what happened and it can be interesting and difficult to understand at times so it is a good idea to watch the video several times.

Video: "What Really Happened with Eve and the Serpent?"


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