
Evangelicals Want Religion taught in Schools

Why is instituting religion in schools not going to work? Because there are different religions with differing theological beliefs. Catholics and evangelicals will fight and kill each other over their beliefs like they did in Europe long ago. Muslims will protest because they won't be part of the school system anymore. Children will feel like religion is being forced on them and will hate religion.  There have been many instances where children grew up in very religious homes and their parents' religion was forced onto them and they rejected religion and God for that reason. God gave everyone choice so forcing religion on children is therefore very wrong. If you want to know about the Bible and God then read the Bible and find a good church. The Bible is a historical book. We have much historical history, and people are supposed to learn from history. The Bible is a prime example of this. America's Constitution has a separation of Church and State for the above reasons.

Women don't matter in Society in 2024

Fear: There is a legitimate fear amongst all the women DT has ever abused. They get threatened by Trump supporters and many of these women have Trump supporters in their own families. They are being told "so he grabbed your breast, get over it." Get over it, really? What about these women's dignity? So most of the women or all of them are afraid to take DT to court because the Trump supporters threaten their lives. And these Trump supporters are everywhere and everyone has at least one of them in their families. They don't care what DT has done to women and young girls. The feminist movement is quiet too because they know they will get attacked if they speak up. The women who were abused by DT are called liars and they just want money. All these women lie and DT is telling the truth. Society does not care about the truth anymore because if it did he would be in prison. Why would women who had been abused by DT lie? They would put their dignity and their life at stake

Jesus Came to Fulfill the Law of the Prophets

Jesus Came to Fulfill the Law of the Prophets in the Old Testament Matthew 5:17 presents a chief purpose of Jesus's earthly ministry: to fulfill the law and the prophets. Jesus came to accomplish all that the Old Testament foretold and to complete all the righteousness the Old Testament required. Jesus Internalized the Laws of the OT Jesus kept the entire 613 laws of the Old Testament when He was a man on Earth. When He died this knowledge of the OT was inside of Him, he had internalized it, so when a Christian follows Jesus and is "in Jesus" that Christian also will have the laws of the Old Testament internalized at that time. Both the Old Testament Laws and the New Testament Laws Matter It is impossible for a human being to internalize or live by all 613 laws of the Old Testament and that is why Jesus Christ did this for His Followers. Jesus' blood is as pure as the blood of an innocent animal but much more powerful of course. What the Old Testament was saying is &q

Presidential Duties According to the Constitution

The Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance promises "liberty and justice for all" citizens of America. The Constitution on Liberty and Justice for All "The Constitution's first ten amendments, known as the Bill of Rights, are crucial to achieving “justice for all.” These amendments protect individual liberties and limit governmental power, thereby ensuring fairness." The Job Duties of the President of the United States To make sure all citizens get "liberty and justice." This means that even people who are deemed living a sinful life according to the Bible, have this right. A President doesn't judge people on their liberty and justice according to what they do in their private lives but a President is to serve everyone in America with liberty and justice. The Bottom Line and Most Importantly According to the Bible is Peter 2:13-14  “Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme aut

Separation of Church and State: The Establishment Clause

The First Ammendment in the Constitution and the Establishment Clause: The words "separation of church and state" do not appear in the U.S. Constitution. Still, the concept is enshrined in the very first freedom guaranteed by the First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." This clause goes hand in hand with the following: The leaders of America must not mix religion and presidential duties. Why does this Clause Exist? Because the first settlers in America who came from Europe tried to escape the union of church and state. This union led governments to execute people who did not agree with their religion. People were burned at the stake for not following the government-established religions. It was bad and to prevent this the very smart makers of the U.S. Constitution made sure to exclude religion from the constitution. When you see people trying to mix the government with religion then you know that they are not following t

About the Virgin Mary

The Virgin Mary Explained: There is only one religion that claims that Jesus had no other brothers and sisters and that His mother Mary remained a virgin. But if you look in the Bible it explains that Jesus had four brothers, James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas. Plus multiple sisters are also mentioned. So Mary and Joseph had a houseful of at least 7 children. People Praying to the Virgin Mary: So it seems that those who pray to the Virgin Mary are actually praying to the mother of at least 5 children who is not a virgin anymore at all. Only when she got pregnant with Jesus was she a virgin!  This is an important mystery to those who want to keep praying to someone who no longer exists. We are supposed to pray to God alone and only to Him.  

Praise Ye the LORD

Psalm 146:1-5 King James Version 146 Praise ye the Lord. Praise the Lord, O my soul. 2 While I live will I praise the Lord: I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being. 3 Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. 4 His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish. 5 Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God: